Thursday, August 23, 2012


This is a long overdue post.  I had originally intended for a post about our goals to be one of my first posts, but it slipped away from me the way most of August did.  I have a renewed enthusiasm for our goals this week though, after Hubs and I sat down and figured out just how much debt we have remaining and an approximate timeline for paying off each outstanding debt. I feel compelled to share them here because they are a huge part of my life--the reason and motivation for the decisions that I make each day whether its clipping a coupon or walking away from a really great sale because I don't need the item or having my mom cut my hair because its free(a savings of $400/year). I'm a pretty open person, so if you don't want to know that much about me I'd stop reading here.

We are facing down just under $10,000(monthly payments of $645! or $7,740/yr-I can't wait to keep that each month) right now which includes a vehicle loan for our only vehicle(a sacrifice we've made in the name of savings), personal loans and credit cards but does not include our mortgage.  Just a few years ago that number was over $30,000.  The average household debt for credit cards alone is $15,956.  It feels darn good to be below that number!

So without further ado, here is our goal plan:

Debt                                              Planned Payoff Month
Vehicle                                                     2/13
Loan A                                                     4/13
Loan B                                                     8/13
Loan C                                                   11/13
Credit Card A                                           1/14
Credit Card B                                           2/14
Loan D                                                    4/14

I now have this great plan to remind me each day of where I want to be in two years and motivate me to work harder and make good decisions.  I have to make sure that I'm not just asking myself and not just Princess P "Now, was that a good decision?"(my second most frequent Mom-ism after "The dog is not your toy!").

"How I going to live today in order to create the tomorrow I'm committed to?" 
-Anthony Robbins, author 

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